Source: Ginkgo - data as of 31/12/2023. The mention of certain investments does not constitute a recommendation to buy or sell the securities of the companies presented.
Market opportunity
Within the European landscape, urban regeneration faces two distinct but critically linked challenges. The first concerns the most competitive regions of the Eurozone, where a shortage of developable land is inadvertently marginalising a substantial latent market, consisting mainly of polluted brownfield sites and obsolete tertiary structures. The second challenge comes from growing urbanisation, which often results in urban sprawl, leading to excess material consumption and emissions, biodiversity loss and fragmented social fabric.
Investment strategy
- Identification and acquisition of polluted land in densely urbanised areas with high redevelopment potential.
- Remediation of these sites using the most environmentally friendly techniques.
Value creation
- Creation of a liquid, valuable real estate asset.
- Significant social and environmental impact:
1/ Protecting agricultural and forest land by reducing urban sprawl.
2/ Solutions to health risks.
3/ Construction of buildings that meet the criteria for energy performance.
Investment team
A team of experts in finance, real estate and the environment.
Target allocation
Geography: Europe
Industrial sites in economically dynamic areas with high growth potential.
Rebuilding the city on the city
Regeneration of a 4.1 ha industrial site near Paris, along the Canal de l'Ourcq, 1 km from the Parc de La Villette and the 19th arrondissement of Paris.
Remediation of the site contaminated with hydrocarbons, HCT/PAH, VOC, naphthalene and BTEX.
Construction of an 87,300 m² tertiary campus comprising:
- Offices – 56,600 m²
- Ancillary and business facilities – 2,900 m²
- Managed residences – 16,800 m²
- Rehabilitated historic halls – 11,000 m²
Source: Ginkgo - data as of 31/12/2023. The mention of certain investments does not constitute a recommendation to buy or sell the securities of the companies presented.